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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Past vs. Future
     I learned something about myself yesterday that both surprised and saddened me. Two of my friends shared with me how pleased they are with my demeanor these days. Apparently, I used to be very critical, snippy, intimidating and I guess generally not nice. They like the me I am now. At first I thought it must be the tiny little pill I take every morning to make the synapses in my brain connect more efficiently. (anti-anxiety). Then this morning while reading my devotional about  when God called him to go back to Egypt to talk to Pharaoh, I realized it is not the effect of those tiny pills. It is that point a few years back that all of the rhetoric of Christianity began to be real in my life. God saved me when I was eight. I went through the motions of Christianity for most of my life. I went to church, taught Sunday School, led bible studies, and have listened to thousands of messages from Godly men. What I realized is that until a few years ago, that's what I did, go through the motions. God made this change in me. Not medicine, not friends, not my husband, GOD made me different. 

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