
Let me know your thoughts on any of the 3 topics in the title, or answer the question of the day.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Overwhelmed. Too much. So little time. So tired. Scared. 

These are the thoughts that plague me these days. I think these thoughts plague me every April/May since I have become a librarian. A librarian wears so many hats.
 Add the other jobs within my title and it gets even crazier. Technology teacher. Building Technology Coordinator. 

Timeline of April
First: List all of the tasks associated with this time of year. 
Second: Feel even more overwhelmed than before I realized EXACTLY how many tasks there were for me to accomplish before the end of the year. 
Third: Run around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to work at the tasks simultaneously hoping that progress on several tasks will make it seem better. (Note: It doesn't.) 
Fourth: Shut down. Go into full out denial. Cry. Pout. Get angry.
Fifth: Realize I can't do it on my own and let God be my guide. 
Sixth: Breathe. Relax. Let Go.

You'd think after so many years, that I would realize and skip to 5. But, NO, I go through Every. Single. Step. I suddenly feel an affinity with the Israelites who wandered through the desert for 40 years. 

1 comment:

  1. Instead of thinking of what needs to be done, I've decided to list the things I have accomplished. Today: I cataloged about 20 books that were donated to the library. I relabeled some books that I found when working on the massive inventory. They needed to be marked F instead of E, or they needed a new barcode, etc. Yeah! I also went through a huge stack of papers, mostly from the scavenger hunt book making supplies. Whew! I'm glad that is finished!
