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Sunday, June 12, 2011

It is very interesting to me how it is that we learn to read. I remember sitting in my first grade classroom on the first day of school. My teacher, Mrs.Nolan, wrote "red ball" on the chalkboard. She held up a red playground ball and pointed to the words on the chalkboard and then to the ball. I can clearly remember seeing those two words on the board that day. We didn't have Kindergarten in Oregon in those days. This was my first experience with school. But I must have known all of my letters in order to recognize those words as she pointed to them. I do not, however, remember any playing of school or things like that at home before first grade. I know my mother read to me constantly during my early years, but I do not remember anyone sitting down with me and teaching me any letters or words.

1 comment:

  1. I don't remember the process of learning to read ... I remember learning the alphabet and then the sounds the letters make. After that, we started putting the sounds together to make words. I memorized books (2 or 3) that were my favorites, and I guess those words were easier for me to learn. Interesting question. I did play school - but not until I was in at least 2nd grade.

    Love you,
